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What Should You Know about Annuities?

November 6, 2023
While they may be enjoying a new surge of popularity, the concept of annuities dates back to early Rome, when citizens would make a lump-sum payment to a contract called an annua in exchange for income payments received once a year for the rest of their lives.
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Will Massage Help Lower High Blood Pressure?

November 5, 2023
Massage may help protect against high blood pressure (hypertension) which is a major risk factor for heart disease.
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How Do I Address My Aging Parents’ Finances?

November 4, 2023
These six steps can help future caregivers know where aging parents stand financially, as well as help them to avoid surprises that could imperil their own retirement.
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How Does the IRS Rule on Inherited IRAs Work?

October 31, 2023
Before the original SECURE Act, IRA owners who died were able to leave their accounts to their children, grandkids, or other non-spouse individual beneficiaries, and heirs could stretch required minimum distributions (RMDs) over their own lifetimes, thus allowing the funds in the accounts to grow tax-free for decades.
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Transferring Property to Heirs? Skip Top Five Mistakes

October 30, 2023
Death is inevitable, but dying without an estate plan is not. Estate planning is a must for property owners, no matter how uncomfortable the subject might make you.
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How Do I Make a Care Plan for Mom?

October 29, 2023
At some point, most older people will need help getting through the day. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, someone turning 65 today has a 70% chance of eventually requiring assistance with basic living activities, such as bathing, dressing and using the toilet.
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How Does a Special Needs Trust Work?

October 28, 2023
If you have a family member with special needs, you might face emotional and physical issues. However, you also may be concerned about maximizing the financial support that your loved one requires.
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What are Benefits of Creating a Life Estate?

October 27, 2023
By understanding the features of a life estate and creating one at the right time, you can reap the following benefits….
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When is a Trust a Good Idea?- 2

October 26, 2023
If having assets distributed outright to a beneficiary could cause potential problems, there are several reasons to think about creating a trust.
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Don’t Fall for These Medicaid and Estate Myths

October 23, 2023
Since estate issues, one way or another, affect everyone over time (since death does) and since Medicaid planning has for many years been a topic of popular conversation—and popular misconceptions in the U.S., it is not unusual that both subjects have generated misunderstandings and, in some cases, folklore that has persisted.
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We understand this process can be difficult. We ease you through it with your best interest in mind.

Legal problems are extremely stressful, especially when your family, your health, or your freedom are at stake. At this point in time, you may not even be sure what kinds of questions you need to ask a lawyer, but that’s entirely normal. Whether your situation involves family law, estate planning, elder law, a criminal charge, or a personal injury, we will start by giving you all the information you need.

The way we see it, you deserve to get this information directly from an expert. That’s why we make it easy for you to get in touch with your lawyer, and we never ask you to sit down with a paralegal or assistant instead.

As our relationship continues, we will keep you updated about the status of your case every step of the way. Your lawyer will reach out regularly to tell you about any new developments, and he will also be happy to answer any questions you have throughout the process.

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Law Offices of Claude S. Smith, III

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Charleston, WV 25302

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