Protect Your Elderly Parents from Financial Exploitation in Nursing

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POSTED ON: September 8, 2024

Protect Your Elderly Parents from Financial Exploitation in Nursing Homes- A nursing home should take good care of your elderly parents, but occasionally, a poorly managed one will exploit the seniors in their care. Financial exploitation in nursing homes takes many forms, such as unauthorized withdrawals, hidden charges, overbearing financial control, and manipulation by caregivers. According to Nursing Homes Abuse, up to one in six elderly individuals in nursing homes suffered some form of abuse in 2022.

Can You Recognize Financial Exploitation?

Several red flags may indicate your elderly parent is being financially exploited:

  • Unexplained withdrawals or changes in bank accounts
  • New or added names on financial documents
  • Sudden changes in wills or financial documents
  • Missing funds or valuable possessions
  • Substandard care despite an adequate funding source
  • Reports of financial exploitation from the elderly person
  • Signs of fear or anxiety when discussing finances

What Steps Prevent Financial Exploitation?

Regularly reviewing financial documents is crucial in spotting early signs of exploitation. Monitor bank statements, credit card bills, and any changes in financial habits. Setting up alerts for large withdrawals or transfers can also help you stay informed. If possible, pay frequent visits to your parents. This will help you stay current on their living conditions and relationships with caregivers and may deter abusers.

Establishing a power of attorney can be smart, as it will vest a trusted family member or attorney with authority to manage parts of your elderly parent’s finances. However, your parents must understand the decision and choose someone they’re comfortable with.

Informing your parents about common scams and tactics financial abusers use can also help. Encourage them to be cautious about sharing financial information, report suspicious activity immediately, and remember they can contact you for help.

What If You Suspect Financial Exploitation?

If you suspect financial exploitation, start documenting any evidence. Keep a record of suspicious transactions, changes in financial documents, and any unusual behavior or comments from your elderly parents or caregivers. Contact Adult Protective Services (APS) or your local long-term care ombudsman to report suspected financial exploitation.

Another important step is to consult an elder law attorney. Someone with experience in the field can tailor advice to your unique situation, offer insight, and propose solutions. They can help you look into the situation and spot evidence if you suspect elder abuse.

Can Estate Planning Protect Elderly Parents?

Estate planning is not just about distributing assets after death; it's also about protecting elderly loved ones during their lives. A comprehensive estate plan can establish safeguards to hinder financial exploitation in nursing homes.

An estate planning attorney can help create wills and trusts to protect assets. They can also assist you in establishing powers of attorney and other mechanisms to protect your elderly parents.

Estate Law Can Safeguard Your Elderly Parents

By the time your elderly parents suffer financial exploitation in a nursing home, it’s often impossible to recoup the damages. Be proactive and contact our law firm today to schedule a consultation. Our experienced estate planning team can help you create a plan to detect and limit financial abuse.

Key Takeaways

  • Recognize Signs of Financial Abuse: Early detection can prevent further exploitation.
  • Proactive Monitoring: Regularly review financial statements and documents.
  • Legal Safeguards: Establish powers of attorney, trusts, and advance directives.
  • Stay Involved: Frequent visits and communication with your parents and their caregivers.
  • Report Suspicions Promptly: Engage with nursing home administration, ombudsman programs, and law enforcement when you suspect elder abuse.

Schedule your phone Consultation: THE LAW OFFICES OF CLAUDE S. SMITH, III

Protect Your Elderly Parents from Financial Exploitation in Nursing Homes-

Reference: Nursing Homes Abuse (Sep. 13, 2023) “Financial Abuse in Nursing Homes: Warning Signs & What to Do

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