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Can Estate Planning Reduce Taxes?

March 26, 2022
Once more hesitant to plan ahead, clients in today’s environment are much more proactive and willing to take action in the near term, rather than waiting and risking having to pay higher taxes down the line.
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Who Is the Best Choice for Power of Attorney?

March 19, 2022
These agents take over your affairs in specific areas, if you become physically or mentally incapacitated.
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What Can We Learn from Prince’s Estate Planning (or Lack Thereof)?

March 19, 2022
Six years of legal wrangling later, Prince’s estate is finally moving forward. Here are five critical mistakes he made that all of us can learn from.
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What Happens to Parents’ Debt when They Die?

March 17, 2022
Adult children typically don’t have to pay their parents’ bills. However, there are exceptions.  Even when a child doesn’t have to pay directly, debt could reduce what they inherit.
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Living Trusts: What are Common Mistakes People Make?

February 28, 2022
Of course, just because you have a living trust doesn't mean you are all set. Here are a few of the most common mistakes people make with their living trusts.
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Do I Really Need a Will?

February 27, 2022
There are certain financial goals that it's important to check off your list, like having enough money in a savings account to cover emergency expenses and eliminating unhealthy debt. However, here's one goal many people gloss over -- creating a will.
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Why are Siblings Battling over Mom’s Estate?

February 27, 2022
A 14-year-long legal fight among five siblings over a Queens woman’s estate has gotten so nasty that it landed two elderly sisters in jail, and now one of them may lose her home.
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An Estate Planning Lawyer Can Prevent Your Children from Inheriting Your Money

February 20, 2022
I’ve decided I no longer want to leave my estate to my children. They are ungrateful brats. How can I set things up to give my money to charity when I die?
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Probate and Non-Probate Assets- What's the Difference?

February 20, 2022
Non-probate assets are those assets which do not go into an estate when the owner dies.
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Estate Planning Avoids Leaving Money to Your Ex

February 14, 2022
State laws generally make it so that once a married couple is divorced, ex-spouses lose all property rights.
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We understand this process can be difficult. We ease you through it with your best interest in mind.

Legal problems are extremely stressful, especially when your family, your health, or your freedom are at stake. At this point in time, you may not even be sure what kinds of questions you need to ask a lawyer, but that’s entirely normal. Whether your situation involves family law, estate planning, elder law, a criminal charge, or a personal injury, we will start by giving you all the information you need.

The way we see it, you deserve to get this information directly from an expert. That’s why we make it easy for you to get in touch with your lawyer, and we never ask you to sit down with a paralegal or assistant instead.

As our relationship continues, we will keep you updated about the status of your case every step of the way. Your lawyer will reach out regularly to tell you about any new developments, and he will also be happy to answer any questions you have throughout the process.

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Law Offices of Claude S. Smith, III

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Charleston, WV 25302

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