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Estate Plan Documents for Incapacity

June 21, 2022
One of the most important estate planning documents for all persons over the age of 18 to consider is a durable power of attorney.
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No Will? A Horror Show Could Result

June 16, 2022
It's hard for a family to recuperate when the patriarchs and matriarchs have gone to glory, leaving a battle for who will carry the family's leadership role and manage the family's transition of wealth.
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What Estate Planning Documents Are Critical?

June 12, 2022
Nobody likes to talk about it, but death is inevitable for all of us. Therefore, you should count every moment as a blessing. Beyond this, you should remember there’s no time to waste, when it comes to preparing for your eventual passing.
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Good Communication in Estate Planning

May 24, 2022
For most families, the estate planning process is more involved than simply naming beneficiaries. While the primary goal of estate planning is transferring assets in an orderly and tax-efficient manner, it’s just as important to focus on preserving wealth across generations.
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Is My Inheritance Safe in a Divorce?

May 24, 2022
Your dad bequeathed you a generous sum of money on his passing. Those gifted and inherited assets, in many instances, will be considered ‘separate property,’ not marital property. That might mean that they might not be subject to division, if you divorce. However, perhaps you want to backstop that hoped for result to make the protection more likely to stick if your marriage doesn’t work out.
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When Can Estate Assets Be Distributed?

May 15, 2022
Many estate executors focus on estate taxes and forget about income taxes. That can be an expensive mistake.
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How Do I Give Assets to Minor Grandchildren in My Will?

May 15, 2022
You have many options to make sure your wishes are followed after you die.
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What to Consider If a Parent is Dying?

May 7, 2022
Dealing with a sick family member is a challenging and emotional time.
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Can Caregiving Make a Money Mess?

May 7, 2022
If caregiving looms in your future — and it likely does if you’re a daughter, an only child or the one (if you are, you know what I mean) — take time now to protect your financial life.
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Can Playing Golf Lower Dementia Risk?

May 3, 2022
Japanese study found older male golfers were 37% less likely to get dementia.
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We understand this process can be difficult. We ease you through it with your best interest in mind.

Legal problems are extremely stressful, especially when your family, your health, or your freedom are at stake. At this point in time, you may not even be sure what kinds of questions you need to ask a lawyer, but that’s entirely normal. Whether your situation involves family law, estate planning, elder law, a criminal charge, or a personal injury, we will start by giving you all the information you need.

The way we see it, you deserve to get this information directly from an expert. That’s why we make it easy for you to get in touch with your lawyer, and we never ask you to sit down with a paralegal or assistant instead.

As our relationship continues, we will keep you updated about the status of your case every step of the way. Your lawyer will reach out regularly to tell you about any new developments, and he will also be happy to answer any questions you have throughout the process.

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Law Offices of Claude S. Smith, III

805 Bigley Avenue
Charleston, WV 25302

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